Moonlight Magic: sacred sex work
We are seasonal, at any given moment different parts of ourselves are moving through these cycles. Our early stages are rooted in the physical, the visceral. It’s a journey of discovery where we come to understand ourselves, our environment and the Other.
In the later stages we start to understand that all this separateness is just the universe being curious about itself, and actually, we are all The One. Each being on this planet is on a unique journey. Some journeys are based on curiosity, some on oneness, some a blend of both. Each of us move and we all discover differently.
I discover through profound moments of intimacy with others. I was lucky enough to understand I was polyamorous when I was 15 (although we didn’t call it that back then) and being someone who likes to change rules rather than break them, I just did intimacy in my own way.
People have always struggled to put me in a box, because while I do things differently, challenge a few egos and refuse to conform, I’ve always done so with kindness, gentleness and acceptance of others. Not your typical rebel…
If you’re reading this, you are also likely to be someone who moves through the medium of profound sensual experiences. Someone who feels the need to move. Someone who resists entropy. You want to keep walking the Path that exists outside your material world and commitments. You too, maybe, are a bit of a rebel.
I can’t offer you a menu with a pricelist to enlightenment. But what I can offer you is the opportunity to explore surrender, openness, connection, evolution and shedding of that which no longer serves you, so you can choose with wisdom how to navigate your life in a conscious and intentioned way.
I believe gender, love and lust exist because we can’t know ourselves – we shouldn’t know ourselves – in a vacuum. Desire moves us. Communion with the Other completes us, no matter if it lasts a single night or the rest of our lives.
We’re designed to connect with others, and to connect differently. I don’t have an internal pie chart which means if I give 20% of myself to you, I’m taking 20% from loving someone else. I am an infinite multiverse with different universes, and in each universe each person is a different world. I adore visiting my different planets. Each one is a gift, having its own fascinating ecosystem. Care to join?
We’re meant to come together, to move together. Our differentness can spark creative powers neither of us could have planned or foreseen, our oneness like that of a union of more than two parts.
For some people, that moment occurs as we’re quietly holding each other, becoming hyper-aware of our breath as our bodies nestle against one another, feeling the heat of each other and the movement of our breaths. For others this looks like a ritual. A ceremony we planned out with our minds that touches our hearts and moves our souls to places we can’t imagine, bringing ourselves back to alignment.